United Overalls Book List 2: Denim Branded

The second book in our list follows on from the themes of the last book but expands that into the branding of every denim brand since the early days of workwear. Denim Branded by Nick Williams and Jenny Corpuz looks at every aspect of branding for a denim company including the buttons, rivets, logos and labels. The book not only looks at vintage brands but also looks at the best of the present denim brands many of whom we have great respect for such as Endrime, Toyo Enterprise and Tellason. We had a chance to meet Nick at the London launch of the book and he has an impressive amount of knowledge of all things denim so it is no wonder that the book is a wealth of facts and even deep dives into the Wrangler Archives!


Although a lot of brands tend to conform to the heritage vibe there is still a lot of innovation seen throughout the book and you have quotes from the designers and owners of these brands explaining their thought processes behind the concepts.


The book also does a very good job of explaining how logos for brands changed over the years. For example the Lee logo went through many different iterations especially when all of their sub brands get taken into account.


This book really gives the layman an appreciation of how much goes into making a denim brand stand out from the crowd while also looking like they are an authentic denim company. There are so many pieces that you have to get right otherwise you run the risk of your jeans fading into the sea of indigo that is on the market. We have a feeling that ours stand out with all the right details!


Sons Of Selvedge Podcast


United Overalls Book List 1: Jeans Of The Old West